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This was my first time trying to draw the lady in blue there, and because I wasn't actually sure what her role in the comic was when I first drew her she looks off here. For example, the ribbon on her hat is gigantic. Look at that thing. Also, the bottom right panel is absolutely terrible. =( But I'm pretty proud of the silent first half of this.

Oh, by the way, 'WYRMWULF' is a compound of the Old English word for snake or dragon and the one for predator (wolf had a more general meaning back then.) It means something like 'Snake Eater' or 'Dragon Hunter' or 'Enemy of Wyrms'. The idea came from the kenning 'Beowulf' which translates out to Wolf/predator of Bees and is a roundabout way of referring to a bear, since Old English folk were supersticious about saying the word 'Bear.' Wyrmwulf is probably the best kenning for our quiet friend's species, as you'll soon see.

...I'm throwing words around here. A kenning is kind of compound word that doesn't make literal sense. For example 'Whaleroad' for ocean, or 'Bonecage' for body. Old English poetry like Beowulf (which is one of the inspirations for this comic) is absolutely full of them.

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